An accidental poem
Full cup, proud and tall.Water, waiting to be drunk,stands atop my desk. Clean? A grand idea!Dust has accumulatedeverywhere I look. Moving this and that,to reach the nooks and crannies,cup is forgotten. Although not for longas, in wiping down the desk,arm and cup do meet. The cup pivots, shakes.It wasn’t expecting this;unsure what to do. Momentarily,anything…
“All this whiskey aroma just flowing like a mighty stream”
I live in a small (well, maybe moderately-sized) Southern town. And like a lot of small and moderately-sized Southern towns, there is a healthy dose of the populace that is, for whatever reason, anti-alcohol. That opposition is usually couched in either religious terms or in “won’t somebody please think of the children” terms but it’s…
Walk the what?
I have a general belief that music stopped being good after about 1994. There are, of course, exceptions but most everything that has come out since then has been terrible. The mid and late 90s gave us the bubblegum pop revolution – think boy “bands” and pop stars who danced a lot but who didn’t…
I don’t have a drop shadow problem. I can quit at any time.
Recently, I found a “long-lost” thumb drive with some old files on it. And as I was going through those files to see if there was anything important, I came across the image below. It’s the front and back covers for the 2003-04 Tulane Women’s Basketball Media guide that I designed when I worked for…
How do you like your steak?
We have, in this great big world of ours, an opinion problem. More specifically, there are way too many people that feel comfortable being judgmental of others and the way they choose to live. You don’t have to look any farther than the proliferation of parenting blogs to get an idea of what I’m talking…