Category: Notes

  • Where have you gone, Lando Calrissian? Our star system turns its lonely eyes to you.

    Where have you gone, Lando Calrissian? Our star system turns its lonely eyes to you.

    Like many people, I really enjoyed The Force Awakens when it came out in 2015. While admitting that it was derivative and somewhat repetitive of the original Star Wars, I thought it was an entertaining movie and did a great job of both re-starting the franchise and introducing new, compelling characters. I think I saw…

  • Kiss me, I’m… not sure

    Kiss me, I’m… not sure

    St. Patrick’s Day was last week. And even though I definitely have some Irish ancestry, I don’t particularly identify as Irish. Or as anything, really, other than American. I’m always fascinated by people who can self-identify as a certain nationality… people who can say “I’m Irish on my mom’s side and Italian on my dad’s”…

  • Why so serious?

    Why so serious?

    I re-watched Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice over the weekend. I think it’s the first time I’ve seen it since it was in theaters last year. It’s an entertaining enough movie and there’s plenty to like about it. But it doesn’t stand out to me as a particularly good movie. And I think it’s a very…