Tag: Mississippi

  • Faculty Spotlight: Reuben Burch

    Faculty Spotlight: Reuben Burch

    Ask most Mississippi State football fans to rank their all-time favorite Bulldog wins and the 1996 victory over Alabama is likely to be high on the list. For Reuben Burch, an assistant professor of industrial and systems engineering in the Bagley College of Engineering, that game is a big reason why he ultimately chose to…

  • A story in nine tweets

    A story in nine tweets

    So, this is a true story. I tweeted it out on Twitter but thought I’d experiment with some of the embed functions that the new Gutenberg editor has and share it here as well. If you don’t see a series of embedded tweets below, you can check out the original thread on Twitter here.

  • “All this whiskey aroma just flowing like a mighty stream”

    “All this whiskey aroma just flowing like a mighty stream”

    I live in a small (well, maybe moderately-sized) Southern town. And like a lot of small and moderately-sized Southern towns, there is a healthy dose of the populace that is, for whatever reason, anti-alcohol. That opposition is usually couched in either religious terms or in “won’t somebody please think of the children” terms but it’s…

  • They’re back

    They’re back

    MSU’s super sophs return following impressive freshman season At a school where the tradition of the baseball program runs as deep as the home runs hit by Will Clark and Rafael Palmeiro in the mid-80s, the talk every spring in Starkville turns to All-Americans, series sweeps over SEC opponents and trips to NCAA Regionals. Last…