A story in nine tweets
So, this is a true story. I tweeted it out on Twitter but thought I’d experiment with some of the embed functions that the new Gutenberg editor has and share it here as well. If you don’t see a series of embedded tweets below, you can check out the original thread on Twitter here.
No, seriously, less is more
As I was giving Facebook one final peruse last night, I stumbled across a fantastic article in Social Media Today. It’s always great when the key takeaway from an article is right there in the title. “The Last Thing Your Target Customer and Audience Wants From You is More Content” didn’t disappoint. You should click…
It’s Facebook’s fault I didn’t go to your event
I know it can be a bit of a national pastime to rag on Facebook but there’s a lot to like about the ubiquitous social media platform. It’s made keeping up with friends and family ridiculously easy. It also helps people stay plugged into what’s going on in the world. That said, their algorithm that…